
"Simplicity" – The rebranding for ZDFheute by BDA Creative convinces with clear lines

by Eyes & Ears of Europe

The Munich-based agency BDA Creative redesigned the on-air, digital and screen design for ZDFheute with a simple keyline. On 19 July 2021, the rebranding went on air.

It is meant to stay for at least a decade and so the rebranding of the journalistic benchmark ZDFheute required particularly careful and clever considerations. To link "on-air" and "digital", the Munich agency BDA Creative concentrated on the guiding principle of "simplicity" and created a dynamic keyline for this purpose. This keyline supports and presents the information on different levels. In addition, it forms the basis for the new extensive pictogram system. 

Eyes & Ears of Europe
Eyes & Ears of Europe

New ZDFheute brand – including digital

In cooperation with ZDF's digital team, the experts from BDA Creative transferred the central branding elements into the digital space. Last year, core aspects of the new design were already implemented on the ZDFheute website and the ZDFheute app was completely relaunched using the new design. For an ideal presentation across all platforms, the previous news font was replaced by the new ZDF house font "ZDF Type". It was developed especially for this purpose and establishes a stronger connection to the umbrella brand ZDF. With the launch of the classic TV formats in the new look, the ZDF redesign process is brought to a close. Thus, online, social and on-air elements unite to form the strong "ZDFheute" brand.

Clear and defined design even in the studio

Together with set designer Jürgen Bieling / Billionpoints, BDA Creative also worked on a new iconic studio backdrop. A new colour palette was added as an update, and the studio features a visually light and very flexible staggered system of virtual projection screens. These make it possible to present information in a comprehensible and prominent way and to convey the feeling of an experiential spatiality. 

Eyes & Ears of Europe

At the heart of the seemingly physical newsroom is the new news table: Its more compact and lighter design offers the presenters an optimised workplace and its L-shape not only improves the impression of the room, but also facilitates conversations with guests and experts. Conversations can now take place around corners, allowing a more natural line of sight. For the audience, the result is a functional ensemble that is easy to grasp, contemporary, but also familiar and reliable.

Eyes & Ears of Europe

Further information (in German) on the relaunch of ZDFheute can be found at https://presseportal.zdf.de/pm/zdf-nachrichten-im-neuen-design/ and https://www.bdacreative.com/bda-portfolio/zdf-heute/.