​...For more than 20 years, the industry association has been the professional communication platform for all those who deal with the strategic planning, creation, implementation and management of audiovisual communication in television, film, radio, Internet, mobile, games and events.

The industry association Eyes & Ears of Europe was founded in 1996 by filmmakers from the German television landscape. The aim was to promote awareness of media designers and marketers for their products, to encourage quality-related debates and identify future-oriented perspectives.

Information Exchange • Quality Awareness • Promotion of Young Talent

​Eyes & Ears of Europe

  • represents and promotes job-specific, European interests in the areas of design, promotion and marketing of audiovisual media
  • strengthens the experience and information sharing among members
  • promotes the quality awareness of members for their products and work processes
  • supports young talent and the vocational education

Media Convergence presents a challenge

Zeljko Karajica, President of Eyes & Ears of Europe, summarizes the current challenges: "The anchoring of Eyes & Ears of Europe on all platforms is important to us." Today it's no longer just about the design, promotion and marketing on TV, but also about how audiovisual content can be presented and sold on the web. Another challenge is the combination of web and TV. "It raises the question of how formats on the web can be meaningfully linked on the classic platforms TV, radio, print, but also on events and mobile ," said Karajica.

Eyes & Ears of Europe
Zeljko Karajica
Eyes & Ears of Europe
Corinna Kamphausen

International exchange is an important goal

"We will build on the overall performance of all the dedicated members of Eyes & Ears of Europe. During the next few years we want our association to continue to establish itself, especially in the European countries in order to promote international exchange with Eyes & Ears of Europe and to provide even more services to our members, "says Corinna Kamphausen, managing director of Eyes & Ears of Europe.

With numerous events and other offerings we have - thanks to the dedicated support of many members - succeeded in establishing Eyes & Ears of Europe as the association for audiovisual communication design.

"It is important that we strengthened the roots of European design, and have reinforced their own identity against the U.S. influence."

​Founding President Prof. Manfred Becker and Founding CEO Wout Nierhoff, 2005

Eyes & Ears of Europe
Prof. Manfred Becker, Wout Nierhoff, Prof. Mag. Gustav Lohrmann
Eyes & Ears of Europe

Executive Bodies


Zeljko Karajica

CEO SEH Holding, Unterföhring


Barbara Simon
Creative Director & Brand Consultant, Munich


Stephan Riebel

Head of Program Promotion & Broadcast Management DW, Berlin


​Corinna Kamphausen
Eyes & Ears of Europe, Cologne

Ben Kerneck

Managing Partner BDA Creative, München

Björn Klimek

CEO KlimekSchneider, Cologne

Lars Wagner
Chef Kids-&-Family-Sparte DeAPlaneta Entertainment, Munich/Barcelona

Tilo Fischer

Managing Director DMC, Munich

Tina Wiesner

Creative Director TV RTL Deutschland, Cologne

Longtime deserved board members by Eyes & Ears of Europe.

Prof. Manfr​ed Be​cker
President from 1996 to 2011

Prof. Mag. G​u​stav Lohrmann
Treasurer from 1998 to 2011

​Oliver Kühn
Head of Finance Olympia-Verlag, Nuremberg

Guido Roleff

Dispatcher/ Staff Planner Program Promotion & Broadcast Management DW, Berlin

Corinna Kamphausen


+49 (221) 60 60 57 10


​Ina Braun

Project Leader & Administration

+49 (221) 60 60 57 10


Marion Bauer

Editor & Project Management

+49 (221) 60 60 57 17


​Anna Schiffer

Project Assistant

+49 (221) 60 60 57 12


​Miriam Sommer

freelance PR

+49 (221) 60 60 57 16



The international corresponding chairs support the association's work by introducing the current country-specific developments in the areas of design, promotion and marketing of audiovisual media.


​Alan James & ​Jo Wilkinson
Founders of James&Wilkinson Media, London


​Andreas Höss
Creative Director Red Bull Media House, Salzburg/Wals


​Inka Kardys
CEO / Creative Director UMBRUCH Gestaltung, Munich


Alex Hefter

Creative Director Schweizer Fernsehen, Zürich

Working Groups

The heads of the working groups support the association's work by special engagement in their respective fields.

​Andreas ​Höss​
Creative Director Red Bull Media House, Salzburg/Wals

​​​Guido Ahnert​​

Grafikdesigner/Projektleiter MDR, Leipzig

​Rob​ertino Windisch
​Leiter Programm-Marketing ZDF, Mainz

​Alexander March​et

​​Unit Manager Producing Promotion & Werbung Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland, Köln

​​Susanne Jung

Creative Manager Text, Markenteam RTL

Florian Grünewald

VOX Senior Konzeptioner/Texter Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland, Köln

Ben Kerneck
Managing Director BDA Creative, München

Eike Immisch

Leitung Marketing & On-Air-Promotion, Discovery Communications Deutschland, München

​Lühr-Martin Lemkau
Head of Brand & Product Development Sony Pictures Television Deutschland, München

Prof. Maximil​ian Kock
​Professor of Audio Production, Department of Media Technology and Production Eastern Bavarian Institute of Technology, Amberg-Weiden

Dr. Anselm C. Kre​u​zer
Freelance Composer and Musicologist, Cologne

​Karl Weege
​​Head of Text & Sound of the On-Air Promotion ARTE, Strasbourg

​Prof. ​B​jörn Bartholdy​
Professor für Audiovisuelles Design KISD - Köln International School of Design, Köln

Prof. Maximilian Kock
Professor für Audioproduktion, Studiengang Medientechnik und -produktion Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule, Amberg-Weiden