Eyes & Ears eNews 08-2014

DREAM ON gives the new Pan-African Channel A+ a brand identity

Vor kurzem wurde die Kreativ-Agentur DREAM ON mit der Launch-Kampagne für den neuen afrikanischen TV-Sender A+ beauftragt. CanalSat bietet damit seinen Zuschauern einen neuen Kanal und eine weiterführende Website in über 20 französisch-sprachigen Ländern Afrikas.

Recently, the creative agency DREAM ON was assigned the task of creating the launch campaign for the new Pan African Channel, A+. CanalSat now offers its subscribers a new channel and a related website in over 20 French-speaking African countries.

"Working to create the brand identity for a Pan-African channel was quite interesting and challenging as we had to immerse ourselves in the various cultures, find out what the different countries had in common and what would appeal to everyone", commented Juliette Clerc, head of TV Branding at Dream On. "Right away, we knew the logo would be at the heart of the campaign, building on the strong Canal+ brand."

Although the monumental Logo is always the focal point, it effectively showcases the contents of the channel and thus makes it possible to reflect all cultures and facets.

The campaign can be seen at https://vimeo.com/110574413.

Call for submissions: Shocking Shorts Award 2015

Until 31 January 2015, young filmmakers can submit their short films to the 2015 Shocking Shorts Award competition. In July 2015, 13TH STREET Universal will award the short film prize to a new directing talent for the 16th time. The winner of the first Shocking Shorts Award in 2000 was Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck, who later went on to win an Oscar. With the award, the TV channel for thrill and crime gives the winner a chance to participate in the Universal Studios Film Masters Programme, where they can acquire know-how and international experience at the Universal Studios in Hollywood.
For a successful submission to the competition, the following conditions must be fulfilled: The short film should be classifiable as belonging to the action, crime, thriller, mystery or horror genre. The short film must be in German, no older than two years and have a maximum duration of 30 minutes.

Further information and registration forms at http://www.13thstreet.de/shocking-shorts-award

Press contact: Mirsad Halilovic, Press & PR Manager, Universal Networks International Germany, Mirsad.Halilovic@nbcuni.com

AiR'15 – Young authors wanted

In cooperation with the ZHdK – Zurich University of the Arts, the digital agency Virtual Identity has launched the programme 'AiR'15 – Authors in Residence' to support young authors from the fields of digital media, journalism, film, design and art. Virtual Identity is convinced that media innovations no longer come only from the big players, but from young people who think differently and are closely linked. These innovators and their stories are now being sought. Interested parties can apply to the program until Tuesday, December 30, 2014. Candidates should send their story concept of no more than 2,500 characters together with CV and photo to air@virtual-identity.com.

From all entries, a jury will select the best three submissions. The winners will be invited to Virtual Identity in Vienna where they will have the chance to develop their stories in the agency network. Participants will receive accommodation in Vienna, a monthly honorarium of €900 as well as €800 toward travel expenses. In addition, the stories produced are published on the website of Virtual Identity.

Prof. Dr. Martin Zimper, director of the study programme Cast/Audiovisual Media at ZHdK, will be on the jury and says: "I am happy that Virtual Identity is giving young authors the opportunity to tell their stories with such creative freedom. This simply has to be supported."

Call for entries at http://virtual-identity.com/story/agentur/air15

Personnel note: Elmar Krick

Recently, Elmar Krick became a new member of the Board of Eyes & Ears of Europe. The annual general assembly of the association elected the Marketing & Creative Director of UNIVERSAL NETWORKS INTERNATIONAL at the end of November.

Exhibition tip: 'Bigger Than Life. Ken Adam's Film Design'

Sketch „King's Bedroom“ for THE MADNESS OF KING GEORGE
GB/USA 1994, Director: Nicholas Hytner
© Sir Ken Adam
Source: Deutsche Kinemathek – Ken Adam Archiv

Until 17 May 2015, the retrospective 'Bigger Than Life. Ken Adam's Film Design' can be seen at the German film archive in Berlin. Production Designer Sir Ken Adams was responsible for the production design on more than 70 films and made film history with his spectacular sets. With his scenographic spaces that were mostly realised in the studio, he created a new style that has had a lasting influence on film design and the viewing habits of audiences. Adam - true to his design philosophy "bigger than life" - challenged the boundaries between reality and imagination in his work. He has given each of his movies a strong visual presence and pull. He has received numerous awards for his work, including Academy Awards for Best Production Design for 'Barry Lyndon' (Stanley Kubrick, 1975) and 'The Madness of King George' (Nicholas Hytner, 1994).

The complete works of Ken Adam include over 4,000 drawings. In addition, there are photos and clips filmed by Adam during his research and on the set, as well as biographical testimonies and his awards.

'Bigger Than Life. Ken Adam's Film Design' until 17 May 2015 at the Deutsche Kinemathek – Museum für Film und Fernsehen, Potsdamer Strasse 2, 10785 Berlin. Opening hours: Tuesday through Sunday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Thursday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., closed on Monday.

Further information at http://www.deutsche-kinemathek.de/en/exhibitions/2014/bigger-than-life

Buchtipp: '75 Jahre Marvel'


Zur Feier des 75. Geburtstags von Marvel präsentiert TASCHEN die umfangreiche Dokumentation '75 Jahre Marvel. Von den Anfängen bis ins 3. Jahrtausend'. Das Werk über den einflussreichsten Comic-Verlag unserer Zeit enthält Insider-Informationen zu den berühmten Figuren, aber auch zum Stall der Kreativen, die mitunter ebenso legendär wurden, wie die Protagonisten, die sie schufen: Stan "the Man" Lee, Jack "King" Kirby und ein Aufgebot von Comic-Größen wie Steve Ditko, John Romita, John Buscema, Marie Severin. Mit Essays des Comic-Historikers und ehemaligen Marvel-Chefredakteurs Roy Thomas ergründet dieses Buch die Herzen zahlloser kostümierter Charaktere, die wie eh und je in Comics, Filmen und den Spielzeug-Regalen der Welt für das Gute kämpfen.

Das Buch im XL-Format umfasst 712 Seiten mit rund 2.000 Abbildungen, darunter alte Comic-Hefte, wertvolle Originalseiten, Fotos mit Blick hinter die Kulissen, Standfotos aus Filmen und Abbildungen gefragter Spielzeuge und Sammlerstücke. In der Publikation sind zudem Biografien von über 300 Zeichnern, Autoren, Redakteuren und berühmten Fans, die die Geschichte von Marvel mitprägten, gesammelt. Ein kleines Highlight ist die über 1,20 m lange illustrierte Zeitleiste in Leporellofaltung.

Die Dokumentation ist im TASCHEN Verlag erschienen und zum Preis von 150 Euro im Buchhandel erhältlich. Weitere Informationen auf ​http://www.taschen.com/