19th International Eyes & Ears Awards
Best station spot
1. Prize
TV 2 Denmark: All that we share
A station-spot that turns into a viral hit: Strategically, "All that we share" refers to what connects people and thus works against stereotyping. A presenter asks the Danes various questions, so that they come together in ever new and unexpected constellations. Makes you think and gives you goose bumps! The spot manages to win the hearts of viewers for TV2 Denmark!
Creative-Team: Lotte Køhler Lindegaard, Channel Controller TV 2 Denmark; Jacob Weinreich, Chief Marketing Officer TV 2 Denmark; Vicky Wassmann Dahi, Chief Brand Officer TV 2 Denmark; Christopher Witzke, Campaign Manager TV 2 Denmark; Robert Cerkez, Creative Director &Co. / NoA; Johan Køhler, Copywriter &Co. / NoA; Rune Petersen, Art Director &Co. / NoA; Anne Højby, Account Director&Co. / NoA; Asger Leth, Director Moland Film Company
2. Prize
Bond Street Film: C More – autumn 2016
Creative-Team: Eoin Conroy, AD Bond Street Film; Attis Gabrielsson, Producer Bond Street Film
3. Prize
SRF: Service Public Manifesto
Creative-Team: Alex Hefter, Creative Director SRF; Carla Schilling, Projektleitung SRF; Cuong Vu, Leiter Marketing SRF; Gabi Benz, Producer WirzFraefelPaal Productions; Stephan Usteri, Regie WirzFraefelPaal Productions; Stefan Fraefel, Executive Producer WirzFraefelPaal Productions; Nina Wirth, Producer WirzFraefelPaal Productions; Dennis Lück, CCO Jung von Matt; Alain Eicher, Text/Konzept Jung von Matt
Best on air programme spot: Acquired fictional productions
1. Prize
Syfy: Sharknado Silvester
There are shark snacks on Syfy for New Year's Eve. And in the style of various appetizers, the science fiction and horror station presents short clips from Sharknado 1 to 4: Simple idea, brilliantly implemented and attention-grabbing: Dinner is served!
Creative-Team: Elmar Krick, Brand Director NBCUniversal International Networks; Sebastian Geller, Senior Producer NBCUniversal International Networks; Fabian Schneider, Producer NBCUniversal International Networks; Raphael Brunner, Sound Designer NBCUniversal International Networks; Kerstin Weckert, On Air Manager NBCUniversal International Networks
2. Prize
TELE 5: Mittwoch Highlight
Creative-Team: Tina Lohmann, Creative Director TELE 5; Sabrina Irotschek, Creative TELE 5; Stefanie Paul, Creative TELE 5; Stella Breitsprecher, Creative Producer OPIUM effect
3. Prize
DMAX: Queen of the South
Creative-Team: Jan Leitz, Manager On Air Promotion Discovery Communications Deutschland; Philipp Mahla, On Air Promotion Executive Discovery Communications Deutschland; Nermin Gladers, Produktion Seeblick Media; Nikolaus Ophoff, Produktion Seeblick Media; Robin Seiser, Production Management Seeblick Media; Hanne Wiesener, Copywriter Seeblick Media; Thomas Schmelzle, Editing Seeblick Media; Benjamin Stern, Art Direction Graphik & 3D Seeblick Media; Alexander Oberrader, Creative Mix Wavefront Studios
Best on air programme spot: Local fictional productions
1. Prize
RTL: Winnetou
A little boy reads a book, children play Cowboys & Indians around a tepee and a family watches Winnetou with Pierre Brice – under the slogan "Every generation has its own Winnetou", the spot leads the viewer emotionally into the RTL remake. Winnetou and Old Shatterhand ride again – to familiar but newly produced sounds!
Creative-Team: Björn Klimek, Leitung Marketing & Creative Director RTL Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Christian Mirow, Creative Manager & Producer Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Eva Deutinger, Marken Manager Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Susanne Jung, Creative Manager Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Desirée van der Pas, Regie Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Michael Becker, VFX Design Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Arne Thomas, Sound-Design Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland
2. Prize
TNT Serie: 4 Blocks
Creative-Team: Raf Gasak, Creative Director Turner Broadcasting System Deutschland; René Grossian, Senior Creative Producer Turner Broadcasting System Deutschland; Simone Braunsteffer, Production Coordinator Turner Broadcasting System Deutschland; Kathrein Gest, Marketing Coordinator Turner Broadcasting System Deutschland; Sebastian Weber, Senior Marketing & PR Manager Turner Broadcasting System Deutschland; Oliver Schwamb, Creative Producer Grabow & Bartetzko Filmproduktion
3. Prize
Screenworks: RTL – Magda macht das schon
Creative-Team: Julian Küffler, Motion Design Screenworks; Peter Hirdes, Konzept/Head Producer Screenworks; Lars Truhn, Brand Manager RTL; Christian Weckerle, Design RTL; Petra Hengge, Editorial RTL; Petra Matuschek, Projektmanagement RTL
Best on air programme spot: Sports
1. Prize
Filmstyler: RTL – Marco Huck vs. Dmytro Kucher
To promote his boxing match, FIlmstyler follows Marco Huck in his everyday life: sparring, meeting with fans and talking to neighbours. The RTL spot is rounded off by the fitting lines of the song 'Kampfgeist' by rapper Kontra K "We show heart, win with pride, lose with respect, but never give up".
Creative-Team: Frank Schneider, Regie Filmstyler Pictures; Björn Klimek, Leiter Marketing & Creative Director RTL Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland
2. Prize
Creative-Team: Mike Ferrara, Director SRF; Philippe Schnyder, Director of Photography SRF; Oliver Treml, Teamleiter Crossmedia Promotion SRF; Patrick Arnecke, Leiter Design & Promotion SRF; Alex Hefter, Creative Director SRF; Cuong Vu, Leiter Marketing SRF
3. Prize
DW: The Bundesliga
Creative-Team: Maren Wintersberg, Head of Operations Deutsche Welle; Stephan Riebel, Head of Promotion Deutsche Welle; Patricia Fehlberg, Executive Producer Deutsche Welle; Andreas Börner, Producer Deutsche Welle; Marc Friedrich, Author Deutsche Welle; Marcus Waibel, Sound-Designer Deutsche Welle
Best on air programme spot: News & Information
1. Prize
ZDF: US-Wahl 2016
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump gambling for control over the White House. This is how the ZDF promotes the coverage of the US elections in 2016, and the spot shows viewers where they can get an insight into everything important about the election!
Creative-Team: Thomas Grimm, Leitung Marketing ZDF; Tino Windisch, Leitung Programm-Marketing 2 ZDF; Sabine Ramseger-Kurz, Projektleitung ZDF; Felix Weitekamp, Projektleitung ZDF; Volker Haak, Director Superama Film; Holger Frick, Head of Producing Superama Film; Matthias Link, Producing Superama Film; Urs Franzen, VFX Superama Film; Sven Rossenbach, Ton/Sound Design Superama Film
2. Prize
Das Interview
Creative-Team: Maren Wintersberg, Head of Operations Deutsche Welle; Stephan Riebel, Head of Promotion Deutsche Welle; Patricia Fehlberg, Executive Producer Deutsche Welle; Patrick Ruch, Producer Deutsche Welle; Martin Reinhold, Cutter Deutsche Welle; Ute Schmidt, Sound-Designer Deutsche Welle; Marek Neumann-Schönwetter, Director of Photography Deutsche Welle;
Best on air programme spot: Kids
1. Prize
Disney Channel: Schnabeltier Tag
The Disney Channel used the viral hit 'Pineapple-Pen' by Japanese comedian Pikotaro to promote the 'Schnabeltier Tag' with Phineas and Ferb – and, of course, Perry the Platypus. As an alternative to the original song, the Disney characters danced through the programme around the Platypus Day. Child-friendly, funny and exciting!
Creative-Team: Ole Türck, Leitung Creative Services The Walt Disney Company Germany; Berns Huebl, Senior Writer/Producer The Walt Disney Company Germany; Marco Zanoni, Schnitt The Walt Disney Company Germany; Bernd Mayershofer, Grafik The Walt Disney Company Germany; Andreas Wein, Sound Mix The Walt Disney Company Germany
2. Prize
Sat.1: The Voice Kids
Creative-Team: Richard Schweiger, Senior Vice President ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Sebastian Schwarzer, Vice President Promotion ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Niels Müller, Head of Promotion SAT.1/Creative Director ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Josephine Döll, Project Manager ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Gerald Kabiczek, Senior Writer/Producer ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Alexander Salzeder, Writer/Producer ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Paul Taylor, Head of Audio ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Sylvia Zimmermann, Senior Marketing Manager ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland
3. Prize
Disney Channel: Preschool Adult Sell
Creative-Team: Ole Türck, Leitung Creative Services The Walt Disney Company Germany; Christian Gandl, Senior Writer/Producer The Walt Disney Company Germany; Wolfgang Schned, Schnitt The Walt Disney Company Germany; BDA, Graphic Design;Gunnar Graewert, Komposition young&loud
Best on air programme spot: Comedy
1. Prize
ICTV: Dizel Show – The Gods
Disguised as gods, the actors of the Ukrainian comedy show 'The Dizel Show' fly over the country and greet their characters. In anticipation, the farmer's wife trips in the cabbage field, the fisherman falls into the lake and the sick man jumps out of the wheelchair. And everyone mumbles the word Friday – because then you can see them again on ICTV. Humorous and likeable!
Creative-Team: ICTV, Team
2. Prize
TNT Comedy: Couchpotato – Two and a half Men
Creative-Team: Raf Gasak, Creative Director Turner Broadcasting System Deutschland; Simone Braunsteffer, Production Coordinator Turner Broadcasting System Deutschland; Benjamin Linke, Senior Graphic Designer Turner Broadcasting System Deutschland; Elena Tarasz, Creative Procuder Turner Broadcasting System Deutschland
3. Prize
RTL: Ich bin ein Star – Holt mich hier raus!
Creative-Team: Björn Klimek, Leitung Marketing & Creative Director RTL Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Mirjam Pézsa, Creative Managerin Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Michael Zschiesche, Marken Manager Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Petra Matuschek-Schuster, Projektmanagerin Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Volker Hundertmark, Producer Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Hamish Hutchinson, VFX Design Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Andreas Ortmann, Produktionsmanagement Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Gregor Wagner, Sound-Design Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Frank Paul Husmann, Kamera Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland
Best on air programme spot: Show & Entertainment
1. Prize
Sat.1: The Taste
A carefully arranged spoon – the candidate has only this one chance to convince the professional chefs of his talent. It is the flavour experience composed on this spoon that counts. After the taste: A firework of pictures of moments of happiness is ignited. A feast for the palate!
Creative-Team: Niels Müller, Head of Promotion SAT.1/Creative Director ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Alexander Molnar, Project Manager ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Gerald Kabiczek, Senior Writer/Producer ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Matthias Piskernik, Senior Texter/ Konzeptioner ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Reinhard Keller, Audio Designer ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Christian Dorn, Senior Designer ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Ute Deutschmann, Executive Producer ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Bettina Prieler, Texterin/Konzeptioner ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Gilles Wolff, Writer/Producer ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Sylvia Zimmermann, Senior Marketing Manager ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland
2. Prize
MTV: Ridiculousness Denmark – Host Spot
Creative-Team: Dung Nguyen, Head of Creative VIMN Nordic AB; Sara Overödder, Senior Creative VIMN Nordic AB; Björn Johansson, Creative Director Brikk Animation och Film AB; Sofia Bohman, Executive Producer Brikk Animation och Film AB; Manuela Naumann, Project Manager Audio Mixing Hofkapellmeister; Jonatan Wallenberg, Music composer; Daniel Kurba, Music composer
3. Prize
RTL: Adam sucht Eva
Creative-Team: Björn Klimek, Leiter Marketing & Creative Director RTL Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Lars Truhn, Creative Manager Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Michael Zschiesche, Marken Manager Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Thorsten Kaufmann, Regie & Producer Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Knut Adass, Kamera Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Patrick Laukemper, VFX Design Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Markus Döpper, VFX Design Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Michael Halein, Ausstattung Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Thomas Jeuck, Produktionsmanagement Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland
Best on air programme spot: Culture & Documentary
1. Prize
Red Bull TV: Music Creators
Red Bull's promotion spot allows musicians of any style to get their say on 'Music Creators'. What they have in common is their love for music – something that is evident in every word and picture. They dance enthusiastically, talk about their musical passion and ideas. You can feel it immediately, in this programme every music-lover will find their format!
Creative-Team: Rüdiger Schrattenecker, Executive Creative Producer Red Bull Media House; Tina Siglreithmayr, Senior Project Manager Red Bull Media House; Hans-Jörg Weidenholzer, Senior Editor Red Bull Media House; Johann Steiner, Senior Audio Engineer Red Bull Media House
2. Prize
n-tv: Aufstand der Barbaren
Creative-Team: Cornelia Dienstbach, Leitung Marketing n-tv & Verticals/Diversifikation Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Sabrina Engel, Marken-Managerin n-tv Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Lisa Dukowski, Marken-Managerin n-tv Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Alessandro Taschetta, Senior Promotion Producer Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Panajiota Walko, Promotion Producer Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Alex Krumm, Art Director Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Julia Sann, TV-Designer Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland
3. Prize
TLC CRIME: Let´s Stalk
Creative-Team: Jan Leitz, Manager On Air Promotion Discovery Communications Deutschland; Natalie Neugebauer, On Air Promotion Executive Discovery Communications Deutschland; Nermin Gladers, Produktion Seeblick Media; Nikolaus Ophoff, Produktion Seeblick Media; Horst Czenskowski, Regie Seeblick Media; Florian Langanke, Kamera Seeblick Media; Thomas Schmelzle, Creative Editing Seeblick Media; Robin Seiser, Produktionsleitung Seeblick Media; Alexander Oberrader, Creative Mix Wavefront Studios
Best B2B spot
1. Prize
TELE 5: Mein Herz macht “bum bum“ für mein Publikum
Fast-paced footage edited to the Peter Fox line "The world has to turn and nothing can stay the same" and frequently incorporated: design elements and well-known station faces. This is the current B2B commercial of TELE 5. Fitting the claim 'Anders ist besser', there are no numbers and percentages, but weird, surprising and humorous pictures. In keeping with this, the concluding sentence of the commercial reads as follows: "Just book us, and you won't get such stupid presenters." Message received!
Creative-Team: Markus Jarre, Leitung Verkaufsmarketing TELE 5; Rebekka Fusseder, Product Manager TELE 5; Joerg Zuber, Directeur Artistique OPIUM effect; Flo Seeber, Motion Artist OPIUM effect; Georg Dehghan, Producer OPIUM effect; Hanne Wiesener, Texterin; Jens Barzen, Creative Producer
2. Prize
RTL2: Zeig mir mehr
Creative-Team: Carlos Zamorano, Direktor Marketing & Kommunikation RTL2; Tina Wiesner, Leiterin Marketing Kreation & Werbung RTL2; Hannah Rackwitz, Projektmangerin Marketing Kreation & Werbung RTL2; Klaus Schäfer, Geschäftsführer mehappy
3. Prize
RTL: Junescreening
Creative-Team: Björn Klimek, Leitung Marketing & Creative Director RTL Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Eva Deutinger, Marken Managerin Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Dustin Zöller, Producer Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Alexander Marchet, Teamleiter Producing Team 2 Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Solène Reichelt, Projektmanagement Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Biggi Reuscher, Art Director Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Andreas Schuster, VFX Design Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Andres Stephan, Sound Design Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Gregor Wagner, Sound Design Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland
Best special advertising promotion
1. Prize
SevenOne AdFactory: LiveOnSet Commercial – Circus HalliGalli
At short notice, ProSieben cancelled the advertising block during 'Circus HalliGalli'. Instead, Joko and Klaas took charge of the product presentation themselves. Be it mouthwash, vegetarian salami or cruise ships – the two hosts advertise all products unprofessionally. But: goal achieved, because the audience flow was maintained and the audience enjoyed the entertaining alternative to the classic commercial break. Maximum attention and authenticity due to the presentation – a plus for advertising customers and ProSieben!
Creative-Team: Tom Schwarz, Geschäftsführung SevenOne AdFactory; Vanessa Götz, Project Manager SevenOne AdFactory; Sven-Olaf Planert, Director Productmanagement & Operations SevenOne AdFactory; Klaas Heufer-Umlauf, Moderator/Entertainer F.l.o.r.i.d.a TV; Benedikt Nordmann, Head of Light Entertainment & Comedy ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Sebastian Heinlein, Programm Manager ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Jeannine Stuiber, Chief Operating Office ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Esther Jansen, Vice President Programm Planning Operations ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Christian Eppensteiner, Head of TV Advertising Operations SevenOne Media
2. Prize
SevenOne AdFactory: Opel ADAM 360° Musik Video & GNTM
Creative-Team: Tom Schwarz, Geschäftsführung SevenOne AdFactory; Stephan Beyschlag, Senior Production Consultant SevenOne AdFactory; Bianca Stephan, Senior Manager Business Development SevenOne AdFactory; Kerstin Bensch, Senior Product Manager/Content Marketing SevenOne AdFactory; Michael K. Theis, Leiter Markenkommunikation & Sponsoring Adam Opel; Astrid Frank, Account Director SevenOne Media; Paul-Christian Brenndoerfer, Planner/Conceptioner MRM // McCann; Karen Dixon, Producer RedSeven; Uwe Flade, Regisseur/Director Digital Creative
3. Prize
SevenOne AdFactory: Aldi & TVOG – einfach ist mehr!
Creative-Team: Tom Schwarz, Geschäftsführung SevenOne AdFactory; Sara Haid, Director Creation & Conception SevenOne AdFactory; Stephan Beyschlag, Senior Production Consultant SevenOne AdFactory; Lisa Messerschmidt, Projekt Manager SevenOne AdFactory; Marten Altenkamp, Senior Conceptioner SevenOne AdFactory; Florian Führer, Head of Campaign Management Conception & Intern. Business SevenOne Media; Natalie Zizler, Programm Manager/Show ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Katrin Langenkämper, Team Lead Artist Manager SAM-Starwatch Artist Management; Carina Glück, Account Director Ogilvy & Mather Düsseldorf
Best special marketing
1. Prize
RTL: Alarm für Cobra 11
The stars from 'Cobra 11' went on holiday in Rügen for the start of the season. And the fans could secure one of the limited postcards from Semir and Paul. RTL combined the call-to-action trailers with pictures from the new season and created a high level of fan involvement. Within 14 days, the fans had retrieved all 12,000 postcards on the fan page. Great campaign with effective results!
Creative-Team: Björn Klimek, Leitung Marketing & Creative Director RTL Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Lars Truhn, Creative Manager Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Michael Zschiesche, Marken Manager Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Anja Pelzer, Projektmanagement Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Alexandra Felgendreher, Producer Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Sonja Lang, Mediaplanung Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Anna Dahmen, Digitalmarketing Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Doris Mertens, Art Director Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Philipp Pauls, Texter Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland
2. Prize
ProSieben: This Is Us
Creative-Team: Richard Schweiger, Senior Vice President ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Verena Schuster, Vice President Advertising ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Bernd Lutieschano, Head of Art/Senior Art Director ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Teresa von Wyschetzki, Art Director ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Ralph Aubele, Senior Texter/ Konzeptioner ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Melanie Kufner, Project Manager ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Jessica Schimm, Producer Print ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Kathrin Ziegelhöfer, Producer Print ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Walter Bierlmaier, Senior Marketing Manager ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland
3. Prize
RTL2: PR-Mailing – Prison Break
Creative-Team: Carlos Zamorano, Direktor Marketing & Kommunikation RTL2; Tina Wiesner, Leiterin Marketing Kreation & Werbung RTL2; Christian Rother, Geschäftsführer Büro Alba
Best promotion spot for an event
1. Prize
BR: Der BR auf dem Filmfest München
With emotional and gripping pictures, this trailer refers to the new BR (co)productions, which will be presented at the Munich Film Festival for the first time. The focus is on women crossing borders, children who go their own way and men on the search for something. Roll the film!
Creative-Team: Volker Jungbäck, Leitung Programm-Promotion BR Fernsehen; Christina von Spreti, Redakteurin Programm-Promotion BR Fernsehen; Matthias Spin, Producer Programm-Promotion BR Fernsehen
Best promotion spot for special programming
1. Prize
ARTE: Madame Butterfly
In this commercial for the live broadcast of the opera 'Madame Butterfly', ARTE shows the butterfly motif as a Rohrschach test – and tells the entire opera using only these images. The viewer recognises motifs such as the geisha's kimono, a uterus, death... or just a beautiful picture composition. Simply masterful!
Creative-Team: Cécile Chavepayre, Creative Director ARTE; Sylvia Tournerie, Graphic Design ARTE; Isabelle Girardin, Production ARTE
2. Prize
Syfy: Sharknado Silvester
Creative-Team: Elmar Krick, Brand Director NBCUniversal International Networks; Fabian Schneider, Producer NBCUniversal International Networks; Raphael Brunner, Sound Designer NBCUniversal International Networks; Kerstin Weckert, On Air Manager NBCUniversal International Networks
3. Prize
NDR: Tag der Pressefreiheit
Creative-Team: Thomas Vöcks, Autor NDR Fernsehen; Christina Gribbe, Redakteurin NDR Fernsehen; Matthias Fening, Redaktionsleiter NDR Fernsehen
Best radio spot
1. Prize
Sat.1: Die Ketzerbraut
In the Sat.1 in-house production 'Die Ketzerbraut', a young woman opposes the rigid and duplicitous moral concepts of the Catholic Church during that time and has nevertheless preserved her strong faith. This radio commercial tells the story using Gregorian choral singing. A tongue-in-cheek promotion!
Creative-Team: Richard Schweiger, Senior Vice President ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Sebastian Schwarzer, Vice President Promotion ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Niels Müller, Head of Promotion SAT.1/Creative Director ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Arne Wegener, Senior Project Manager ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Gerald Kabiczek, Senior Writer/Producer ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Boris Breitenreicher, Audio Designer ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Matthias Piskernik, Senior Texter/Konzeptioner ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Manuela Liebel, Senior Marketing Manager/stv. Marketingleitung Sat.1 ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland
2. Prize
VOX: Die Höhle der Löwen
Creative-Team: Jutta Hertel, Leitung Markenteam VOX Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Serhat Mansuroglu, Markenteam VOX Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Rolf Amann, Sounddesign Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Heiko Fischer, Producing Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Florian Grünewald, Text Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Franziska Keul, Media Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland
3. Prize
BDA Creative: Amazon Video – Freitag-Filmeabend: Rache genommen
Creative-Team: Marc Strotmann, Executive Creative Director BDA Creative; Philipp Wundt, Project Lead BDA Creative; Britta Luebbert, Amazon Integrated Marketing Amazon Instant Video Germany; Petar Scekic, Amazon Video Marketing Manager Amazon Instant Video Germany; Anne Fritsch-Liermann, Amazon Video Head of Acquisition Amazon Instant Video Germany
Best text design or use of language and voice
1. Prize
Bond Street Film: C More – autumn 2016
In this spot, Bond Street lets the viewer speak for himself, lets him dive into films and become the protagonist: With appropriate text excerpts from the films or series and rewritten voice-over sequences, C More presents its autumn programme. Emotional, gripping and very close to the audience!
Creative-Team: Eoin Conroy, AD Bond Street Film; Attis Gabrielsson, Producer Bond Street Film
2. Prize
ProSieben: Die Simpsons
Creative-Team: Richard Schweiger, Senior Vice President ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Markus Baier, Head of Promotion OnAir/Creative Director ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Christian Giegerich, Senior Writer/Producer ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Melanie Kufner, Senior Project Manager ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Gesa Malin Gemba, Project Manager ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Sebastian Dennstedt, Designer ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Reinhard Keller, Audio Designer ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Alexander Wagner, Vice President Marketing ProSieben ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; David Hoffmann, Marketing Manager ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland
3. Prize
SRF: Service Public Manifesto
Creative-Team: Alex Hefter, Creative Director SRF; Carla Schilling, Projektleitung SRF; Cuong Vu, Leiter Marketing SRF; Gabi Benz, Producer WirzFraefelPaal Productions; Stephan Usteri, Regie WirzFraefelPaal Productions; Stefan Fraefel, Executive Producer WirzFraefelPaal Productions; Nina Wirth, Producer WirzFraefelPaal Productions; Dennis Lück, CCO Jung von Matt; Alain Eicher, Text/Konzept Jung von Matt
Best on air station campaign
1. Prize
TV 2 Denmark: All that we share
The spots in this campaign show different groups of Danes: the rich, the poor, the young, the old. Each group enters the studio separately and both the setting and the soundtrack create a feeling of seperate groups. Then the director interrupts and asks questions like, "Who was the class clown?" and "Who's lonely?" All those who answer yes, step forward. In this way, new and unexpected groups are formed in the various clips. For one question, everybody steps forward: "And then there's all of us, who just love Denmark." The IDs continue the idea: different people with something in common. An integrative campaign in times of separation!
Creative-Team: Lotte Køhler Lindegaard, Channel Controller TV 2 Denmark; Jacob Weinreich, Chief Marketing Officer TV 2 Denmark; Vicky Wassmann Dahi, Chief Brand Officer TV 2 Denmark; Christopher Witzke, Campaign Manager TV 2 Denmark; Robert Cerkez, Creative Director &Co. / NoA; Johan Køhler, Copywriter &Co. / NoA; Rune Petersen, Art Director &Co. / NoA; Anne Højby, Account Director&Co. / NoA; Asger Leth, Director Moland Film Company
2. Prize
ARTE: Next
Creative-Team: Cécile Chavepayre, Creative Director ARTE; Samuel Bernardeau, Director & Concept ARTE; Ines Roscher, Redaktion ARTE; Anne Seymour, Production ARTE; Monty Arnold, Speaker ARTE; Henri Ehrhard, Head of Promotion ARTE
3. Prize
DW: Where I come from
Creative-Team: Maren Wintersberg, Head of Operations Deutsche Welle; Stephan Riebel, Head of Promotion Deutsche Welle; Patricia Fehlberg, Executive Producer Deutsche Welle; Andreas Börner, Producer Deutsche Welle; Sarah Weber, Cutter Deutsche Welle; Mark Wegner, Sound Designer Deutsche Welle; Jörg Holtkamp, Creative Director Deutsche Welle; Johannes Löbner, Brand Manager Deutsche Welle; Clint Wadell, Concept and Text Deutsche Welle
Best on air programme campaign: Acquired fictional productions
1. Prize
ICTV: Triple movie
ICTV: Triple movie
Three weekends with three movies each – that's the triple movie on ICTV. The Ukrainian station wrote their own songs for 'The Hobbit', 'Men in Black' and 'Transformers' and literally gave the blockbusters a new sound. Extremely catchy!
Creative-Team: ICTV, Team
2. Prize
ProSieben: This Is Us
Creative-Team: Richard Schweiger, Senior Vice President ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Markus Baier, Head of Promotion OnAir/Creative Director ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Christian Giegerich, Senior Writer/Producer ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Andrea Hartl, Writer/Producer ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Katrin Maier, Junior Designer ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Melanie Kufner, Senior Project Manager ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Boris Breitenreicher, Audio Designer ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Alexander Wagner, Vice President Marketing ProSieben ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; David Hoffmann, Marketing Manager ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland
3. Prize
spotville: Super RTL – TOGGO & TOGGO Plus Funmachine
Creative-Team: Marco Kuschnier, Geschäftsführung spotville; Sven Braun, Geschäftsführung spotville; Marc Menzel, Senior Creative Producer spotville; Markus Seisenbacher, Motion Design spotville; Stella Hofmann, Motion Design spotville; Marc Hupperich, Motion Design spotville; Mara L'Assainato, Leiterin On-Air Promotion RTL Disney Fernsehen; Roger Petit, Senior On-Air Promotion Manager RTL Disney Fernsehen; Arnold Kaup, Geschäftsführung & Sound Design sounds fresh
Best on air programme campaign: Local fictional productions
1. Prize
RTL: Winnetou
"The legend lives" – that's the claim of the RTL film 'Winnetou'. And this is exactly what the promotion of the television event shows: Winnetou and Old Shatterhand ride again, love, hate, honour and passion are the focus of attention and Mario Adorf as Santer the villain is also back. The campaign is rounded off with quotes from the actors and the composer, who re-recorded the world-famous 'Winnetou' melody. Masterful television!
Creative-Team: Björn Klimek, Leitung Marketing & Creative Director RTL Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Christian Mirow, Creative Manager & Producer Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Eva Deutinger, Marken Manager Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Susanne Jung, Creative Manager Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Desirée van der Pas, Regie Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Michael Becker, VFX Design Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Arne Thomas, Sound-Design Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland
2. Prize
VOX: Club der roten Bänder
Creative-Team: Jutta Hertel, Leitung Markenteam VOX Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Nina Gless, Markenteam VOX Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Rolf Amann, Sounddesign Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Thomas Siepe, Producing Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Malte Eckstein, Producing Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Florian Grünewald, Text Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland
3. Prize
BR: Hindafing
Creative-Team: Volker Jungbäck, Leiter Programm-Promotion BR Fernsehen; Nicola Bienert, Redakteurin Programm-Promotion BR Fernsehen; Stefan Scholz, Producer Programm-Promotion BR Fernsehen
Best on air programme campaign: Sports
1. Prize
ZDF: Wintersport
The task: to promote various winter sporting events on ZDF. The result: funny spots in which the commentators and experts themselves practise their sports like sledding, biathlon or ski jumping. "Prepared, presenting and commenting is easier." Self-deprecating and humorous!
Creative-Team: Thomas Grimm, Leitung Marketing ZDF; Tino Windisch, Leitung Programm-Marketing 2 ZDF; Michael Maack, Projektleitung ZDF; Jürgen Krause, CEO/Executive Producer Film Deluxe; Katharina Strauß, Executive Producer Film Deluxe; Verena Soltiz, Director Film Deluxe
2. Prize
RTL & Filmstyler: Boxen
Creative-Team: Björn Klimek, Leiter Marketing & Creative Director RTL Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Marc Rhiem, Producer Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Petra Matuschek-Schuster, Projektmanagement Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Frank Schneider, Regie Filmstyler Pictures
Best on air programme campaign: News & Information
1. Prize
DW: Breaking World News App
Refugee crisis, fighting the IS and war in Eastern Ukraine – these are just a few of the topics that have dominated the news broadcasts on a daily basis for months. True to the motto "Global news that matters", Deutsche Welle is promoting its news app with various themed spots. Up-to-date, informative and global!
Creative-Team: Maren Wintersberg, Head of Operations Deutsche Welle; Stephan Riebel, Head of Promotion Deutsche Welle; Patricia Fehlberg, Executive Producer Deutsche Welle; Silvia Lippok, Producer Deutsche Welle; Martin Reinhold, Cutter Deutsche Welle; Mark Wegner, Sound-Designer Deutsche Welle
2. Prize
RTL: Das Jenke-Experiment
Creative-Team: Björn Klimek, Leitung Marketing & Creative Director RTL Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Mirjam Pézsa, Creative Manager Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Rüdiger Braun, Konzept & Produktion Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Susanne Jung, Creative Manager Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Sven Lützenkirchen, Kamera Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Andreas Stephan, Sound Design Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Stephan Hoffmann, Grafik Design Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland
Best on air programme campaign: Kids
1. Prize
Disney Channel: Schlümpfe Tag
A whole Saturday in the smurf village – even the Disney logo is smurfing and there's a new time: "20 smurf 15". The Disney Channel advertises the children's programme with a funny on-air campaign that focuses on the little blue creatures. Did you know what a Smurf without a cap looks like or what colour the Smurf tongue is? If not, quickly switch on Disney Channel!
Creative-Team: Ole Türck, Leitung Creative Services The Walt Disney Company Germany; Berns Huebl, Senior Writer/Producer The Walt Disney Company Germany; Olaf Neumann, Grafik The Walt Disney Company Germany; Bernd Mayershofer, Grafik The Walt Disney Company Germany; Andreas Wein, Sound Mix The Walt Disney Company Germany
2. Prize
spotville: Super RTL – TOGGO & TOGGO Plus Funmachine
Creative-Team: Marco Kuschnier, Geschäftsführung spotville; Sven Braun, Geschäftsführung spotville; Marc Menzel, Senior Creative Producer spotville; Markus Seisenbacher, Motion Design spotville; Stella Hofmann, Motion Design spotville; Marc Hupperich, Motion Design spotville; Mara L'Assainato, Leiterin On-Air Promotion RTL Disney Fernsehen; Roger Petit, Senior On-Air Promotion Manager RTL Disney Fernsehen; Arnold Kaup, Geschäftsführung & Sound Design sounds fresh
3. Prize
ZDF: Die Welt, wie sie euch gefällt
Creative-Team: Astrid Kämmerer, Leitung Programm-Marketing 1 ZDF; Irena Pavor, Projektleitung Marketing ZDF; Nadja Kronemeyer, Redakteurin On Air ZDF; Michael Habermehl, Kamera ZDF; Christian Herold, Schnitt ZDF; Jochen Schmidt, Ton/Sound Design ZDF; Jana Geisler, Creative Direction Alpenblick; Jochen Rall, Motion Designer Alpenblick; Isabelle Favez, Motion Designer Alpenblick
Best on air programme campaign: Comedy
1. Prize
RTL: Die Puppenstars
'Power to the puppets',' Viva la Puppulation' and 'Fluffy attack'. The puppet stars are in town and will be joining RTL in January. They are already demanding their rights everywhere in the station, they surprise the receptionist and simply take over offices. Suddenly, even the RTL logo is made of all these fuzzy creatures. Funny puppet invasion that no one can get past!
Creative-Team: Björn Klimek, Leitung Marketing & Creative Director RTL Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Desirée van der Pas, Creative Manager Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Eva Deutinger, Marken Manager Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Eva Frings, Projektmanagement Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Stephan Hoffmann, SFX Design Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Sven Lützenkirchen, Kamera Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Frank Schlieder, Produktionsmanagement Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland
2. Prize
BR: SchleichFernsehen
Creative-Team: Volker Jungbäck, Leitung Programm-Promotion BR Fernsehen; Helge Rösinger, Redaktion Unterhaltung: Kabarett/Satire BR Fernsehen; Stefan Scholz, Producer Programm-Promotion BR Fernsehen; Nicola Bienert, Redakteurin Programm-Promotion BR Fernsehen
2. Prize
TNT Comedy: Couchpotato Wochenende
Creative-Team: Raf Gasak, Creative Director Turner Broadcasting System Deutschland; Simone Braunsteffer, Production Coordinator Turner Broadcasting System Deutschland; Benjamin Linke, Senior Graphic Designer Turner Broadcasting System Deutschland; Elena Tarasz, Creative Producer Turner Broadcasting System Deutschland
Best on air programme campaign: Show & Entertainment
1. Prize
NDR: Der Deutsche Radiopreis 2016
How do you advertise an award ceremony without having to use the usual show pictures? The NDR shows us: national and international stars of the music scene tell us about the greatest radio moments of their lives in front of the camera. The broadcaster gives the medium of radio and the German Radio Prize a special emotionality. Great idea, perfect implementation!
Creative-Team: Daniela Raskito, Autorin/Regisseurin NDR Fernsehen; Matthias Fening, Redaktionsleiter NDR Fernsehen
2. Prize
RTL2: Naked Attraction
Creative-Team: Carlos Zamorano, Direktor Marketing & Kommunikation RTL2; Tina Wiesner, Leiterin Marketing Kreation & Werbung RTL2
3. Prize
RTL: Ninja Warrior Germany
Creative-Team: Björn Klimek, Leitung Marketing & Creative Director RTL Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Oliver Bittner, Creative Manager Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Hamid Behbudi, Producer Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Patrick Gericke, Regie Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Markus Weigl, Art Director Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Markus Döpper, VFX Design Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Stefan Hoffmann, VFX Design Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Dirk Jurick, VFX Design Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Solène Reichelt, Projektmanagement Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland
Best on air programme campaign: Culture & Documentary
1. Prize
n-tv: Geschichte der Aufklärung
To promote a documentary about sex education, n-tv lets an elegantly dressed lady in her 60s tell stories from her life: 'My husband and I had wonderful sex, just not with each other' – these spots are serious and witty at the same time and create curiosity for the history of sex education!
Creative-Team: Cornelia Dienstbach, Leitung Marketing n-tv & Verticals/Diversifikation Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Sabrina Engel, Marken-Managerin n-tv Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Lisa Dukowski, Marken-Managerin n-tv Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Alessandro Taschetta, Senior Promotion Producer Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Panajiota Walko, Promotion Producer Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Harald Jäger, Director Client Services Havas Düsseldorf; Jennifer Faltin, Account Manager Havas Düsseldorf; Andreas Henke, Chief Creative Officer Havas Düsseldorf
2. Prize
DW: Gier
Creative-Team: Maren Wintersberg, Head of Operations Deutsche Welle; Stephan Riebel, Head of Promotion Deutsche Welle; Patricia Fehlberg, Executive Producer Deutsche Welle; Peter Meffert, Producer Deutsche Welle; Martin Reinhold, Cutter Deutsche Welle; Max Spona, Sound-Designer Deutsche Welle
3. Prize
Creative-Team: Jan Leitz, Manager On Air Promotion Discovery Communications Deutschland; Natalie Neugebauer, On Air Promotion Executive Discovery Communications Deutschland; Nermin Gladers, Produktion Seeblick Media; Nikolaus Ophoff, Produktion Seeblick Media; Horst Czenskowski, Regie Seeblick Media; Florian Langanke, Kamera Seeblick Media; Thomas Schmelzle, Creative Editing Seeblick Media; Robin Seiser, Produktionsleitung Seeblick Media; Alexander Oberrader, Creative Mix Wavefront Studios
Best promotion campaign for special programming
1. Prize
DMAX: 10 Jahre
For its 10th birthday, DMAX thanked the men with a campaign – with witty and ironic puns: "Thank you #policeman, #toosickman, #ex-man, #carpenterman and #ohman". Typical for the men's channel, very DMAX!
Creative-Team: Jan Leitz, Manager On Air Promotion Discovery Communications Deutschland; Philipp Mahla, On Air Promotion Executive Discovery Communications Deutschland; Sebastian Pforr, Konzeption/Creative Director ZWEI FREUNDE; Jasmin Kasap, Konzeption/Schnitt ZWEI FREUNDE; Lukas Keller, Schnitt ZWEI FREUNDE; Robert Schober, Motion Design ZWEI FREUNDE; Ines Fritsch, Projektmanagement ZWEI FREUNDE; Katja Wessling, Projektmanagement ZWEI FREUNDE; Aitor Benavent Cabañas, Motion Design ZWEI FREUNDE
2. Prize
WDR: Tatort im Westen – Unsere Besten
Creative-Team: Michael Worringen, Redaktion WDR; Claudia Kynast, Redaktion WDR; Heinz Peter Brück, Konzept, Producing WDR; Michael Fröhlich, Grafik WDR; Malte Vogt, Konzept/Producing act Videoproduktion; Andreas Lebeda, Senior-Producer act Videoproduktion; Jukka Schmidt, Schnitt act Videoproduktion; Frank Balzer, Ton act Videoproduktion; Matthias Paeper, Grafik Black and Code
3. Prize
ICTV: Oscars 18+
Creative-Team: ICTV, Team
Best editing
1. Prize
NBC Universal: Sales Reel 2017
"The right channel for every target group" – that's how NBC Universal advertises its channels' programme: a fast-moving flood of images with a wide variety of programme content and the right sound. Information for advertising customers is integrated into footage without being obtrusive. Exciting, emotional and informative!
Creative-Team: Daniel Loers, Director Sales NBC Universal Global Networks Deutschland; Elmar Krick, Brand Director NBC Universal Global Networks Deutschland; Fabian Schneider, Producer NBC Universal Global Networks Deutschland; Raphael Brunner, Sound Designer NBCUniversal International Networks; Kerstin Weckert, On Air Manager NBCUniversal International Networks
2. Prize
Syfy: Sharknado Silvester
Creative-Team: Elmar Krick, Brand Director NBCUniversal International Networks; Fabian Schneider, Producer NBCUniversal International Networks; Raphael Brunner, Sound Designer NBCUniversal International Networks; Kerstin Weckert, On Air Manager NBCUniversal International Networks
3. Prize
AXN: Image 2017
Creative-Team: Fabio Ardemagni, Head of Creative Sony Pictures Television; Rebekka Bincliffe, Senior Producer Sony Pictures Television; Sabine Krauthäuser, Producer Sony Pictures Television; Lühr-Martin Lemkau, Head of Brand & Product Development Sony Pictures Television; Darren Stokes, Freelance Producer/Creative Dazs8Creative; Ruth Rainey, Audio Engineer We Are Audio; Ben Mason, Audio Engineer & Composer We Are Audio; Matt Prior, Composer
Best promotion-related audio design
1. Prize
Red Bull TV: Music Creators
In the programme 'Music Creators', every music lover will find his format: "It's all about the sound, it's all about the beat." The love for music is reflected in the audio design. Red Bull finds the right tone and sound effects for all musical aspects and puts sound is in the spotlight!
Creative-Team: Rüdiger Schrattenecker, Executive Creative Producer Red Bull Media House; Tina Siglreithmayr, Senior Project Manager Red Bull Media House; Hans-Jörg Weidenholzer, Senior Editor Red Bull Media House; Johann Steiner, Senior Audio Engineer Red Bull Media House
2. Prize
n-tv: Jahres-Doku Highlight-Trailer
Creative-Team: Cornelia Dienstbach, Leitung Marketing n-tv & Verticals/Diversifikation Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Sabrina Engel, Marken-Managerin n-tv Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Lisa Dukowski, Marken-Managerin n-tv Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Alessandro Taschetta, Senior Promotion Producer Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Panajiota Walko, Promotion Producer Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Alex Krumm, Art Director Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Julia Sann, TV-Designer Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Andreas Stephan, Sounddesigner Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland
3. Prize
TLC: Haunted – Seelen ohne Frieden II
Creative-Team: Jan Leitz, Manager On Air Promotion Discovery Communications Deutschland; Lisa Michel, On Air Promotion Executive Discovery Communications Deutschland; Bernd Mutscheller, CD DMC; Bina Biemann, Senior Project Manager DMC; Sandra Kappler, Junior Project Manager DMC; Tristan Fischer, Designer DMC; Christian Takacs, Promo Producer DMC; Tilo Fischer, Geschäftsführung DMC
Best promotion-related musical composition
1. Prize
ICTV: Transformers
For a film weekend with four parts of 'Transformers', the ICTV team combined and recorded a new rap. Accompanied by fast-paced and gripping film moments, an exciting spot was created. Great composition!
Creative-Team: ICTV, Team
2. Prize
RTL2: Zeig mir mehr
Creative-Team: Carlos Zamorano, Direktor Marketing & Kommunikation RTL2; Tina Wiesner, Leiterin Marketing Kreation & Werbung RTL2; Hannah Rackwitz, Projektmangerin Marketing Kreation & Werbung RTL2; Klaus Schäfer, Geschäftsführer mehappy
2. Prize
Disney Channel: Monstober
Creative-Team: Ole Türck, Leitung Creative Services The Walt Disney Company Germany; Thorben Osthus, Senior Writer/Producer The Walt Disney Company Germany; Gunnar Graewert, young&loud – Komposition The Walt Disney Company Germany; Ania Jools, Gesang The Walt Disney Company Germany; Thomas Schmelzle, Schnitt The Walt Disney Company Germany; Dani Fuchs, GFX The Walt Disney Company Germany; Nikola Krivokuca, Kamera The Walt Disney Company Germany; Oliver Frank, Produktion The Walt Disney Company Germany
Best use of music
1. Prize
Universal Channel: Chicago Fire Heldenchor
Goosebumps! For the 100th episode of the US series 'Chicago Fire' Universal Channel called on fire brigades all over Germany to shoot videos for the song 'We didn't start the fire' by Billy Joel. The channel edited these videos together into one big fire brigade choir – the 'Chicago Fire Hero Choir!' The series cast was so touched that they responded with a similarly brilliant video. Great idea – music can't be used more effectively!
Creative-Team: Elmar Krick, Brand Director NBCUniversal International Networks; Henning Roch, Marketing Director NBCUniversal International Networks; Marco Utzen, Marketing Manager NBCUniversal International Networks; Heye, Kreativagentur; Sebastian Fery, Director, Editor, Producer Crushed Eyes; Mona Davis Beat, Arrangement und Musikproduktion
2. Prize
Deutscher Filmpreis: Minifilm 2017
Creative-Team: Arnd von Rabenau, Creative Director The Screeners; Sascha Crone, Senior Writer Producer The Screeners; Stephan Piez, Audio Designer Tonfabrik; Bernadette Marquart, Motion Designer
2. Prize
Syfy: Chefboss
Creative-Team: Elmar Krick, Brand Director NBCUniversal International Networks; Sebastian Geller, Senior Producer NBCUniversal International Networks; Monika Sersea-Bratic, Marketing Manager NBCUniversal International Networks; Kerstin Weckert, On Air Manager NBCUniversal International Networks
Best social spot or campaign
1. Prize
VOX: Kooperation Club der roten Bänder & DKMS
The Dramedy series 'Club der roten Bänder' tells the story of the everyday life of sick young people in hospitals. One of the protagonists – Finn – has leukaemia and is waiting for a stem cell donation. The spot from VOX and DKMS is a perfect match: The real patient Rinah talks about her medical history and her recovery thanks to a stem cell donation. Great cooperation for a sensitive topic!
Creative-Team: Jutta Hertel, Leitung Markenteam VOX Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Nina Gless, Markenteam VOX Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Rolf Amann, Sounddesign Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Florian Grünewald, Text Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Rüdiger Braun, Regie & Producing Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Stephan Hoffmann, Grafik Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Sven Lützenkirchen, Kamera
2. Prize
Sat.1: Augen auf gegen Cybermobbing
Creative-Team: Niels Müller, Head of Promotion SAT.1/Creative Director ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Arne Wegener, Senior Project Manager ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; André Otto, Head of Design/Senior Art Director ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Gerald Kabiczek, Senior Writer/ Producer ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Ute Deutschmann, Executive Producer ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Andi Gleichmann, Audio Designer ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Isabell Heuer, Writer/Producer ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Sabrina Ghotra, Editor ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland; Manuela Liebel, Senior Marketing Manager/ stv. Marketingleitung Sat.1 ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland
2. Prize
Disney Channel Benelux: Earth Day
Creative-Team: Nancy Theunissen, Senior Manager On Air, Production & Media Planning The Walt Disney Company Benelux; Femke Reijn, Creative Manager The Walt Disney Company Benelux; Farrell Nugroho, Senior Promo Producer The Walt Disney Company Benelux; Victoria Lechevalier, Senior Producer Mr. Frank