Challenge accepted and successfully mastered - First EYES & EARS e-Edition with the 22nd International Eyes & Ears Awards
Cologne, 2 December 2020 - "Welcome to this unusual time that nobody would have dreamed of a year ago, when the EYES & EARS could still take place in Munich," said Association President Zeljko Karajica after the official welcome by Corinna Kamphausen, CEO of Eyes & Ears of Europe, who opened the first EYES & EARS e-Edition at XPERION, the new Saturn E-Arena in Cologne.
ES DEVLIN – Holder of the first Eyes & Ears Inspiration Award EYES & EARS 2020 e-Edition: For the first time with the presentation of the Inspiration Award
Cologne, 13 November 2020 – This year, the International Eyes & Ears Awards will be presented on 26 November, for the first time as a digital event during the EYES & EARS e-Edition. Another new feature is the presentation of the Inspiration Award, which replaces the Excellence Award after 21 years. This special award has become a learned tradition and the highlight of the annual award event. The Inspiration Award goes to outstanding personalities who have provided long-lasting inspiration to the creative industry in the field of audiovisual media.
Cologne, 5 November 2020 - The shortlist with all nominated submissions to the 22nd International Eyes & Ears Awards is now online:
EYES & EARS 2020 e-Edition: One week full of pure inspiration 3-day conference with themed days 'Design', 'Audio' and 'Marketing & Promotion', eSports-Day and the 22nd International Eyes & Ears Awards
Cologne, 22 October 2020 - This year, the "EYES & EARS 2020" will take place for the first time as a digital event in the week from 23 to 27 November. First highlights have been fixed and the ticket shop is now open.
SAVE THE DATE: First eSports-Day as part of the EYES & EARS 2020 e-Edition on 27 November at XPERION, the Saturn-Arena in Cologne
Cologne, October 9, 2020 – This year the EYES & EARS will take place as a digital event from November 23 to 27 for the first time.
The EYES & EARS 2020 e-Edition promises a week full of digital keynotes, case studies and master classes in design, promotion and marketing, the 22nd International Eyes & Ears Awards on Thursday, 26 November, and the eSports-Day on Friday, 27 November.
EYES & EARS 2020 e-Edition: A week full of Digital Keynotes, Case Studies, Masterclasses, eSports and with the 22nd International Eyes & Ears Awards on November 26th
Cologne, September 11, 2020 – This year, the "EYES & EARS 2020" will take place in the week from November 23 to 27, for the first time as a digital event.