Superama produces a Branded Content Making-Of and an Image Spot for DMAX by order of SanDisk.
by Eyes & Ears of Europe
Superama produces a Branded Content Making-Of and an Image Spot for DMAX by order of SanDisk.
With the help of Superama, the companies San Disk and G-Technology want to place advertising in the target group of professional filmmakers in order to gain attention for their pro-products. The idea is to produce a series of making-of clips for a high-quality commercial, in which the entire workflow and processing chain of the various storage media could be followed. At the end, these clips will be distributed via various social media and web channels to the specific target group. Among other things, the specifications are that it should be a 'car advertisement' and feature a well-known protagonist from the world of motor sports - who of course also advertises the making-of clips on his channels eventually.
"The only 'problem': There is an idea for a commercial, but no customer or product for which the commercial is produced! But it is agreed that you don't want to produce a making-of to a 'fake commercial', because by actually using the commercial for a real customer, you could certainly share and multiply the media power," says Holger B. Frick, co-owner of Superama Filmproduktion.
The solution can then be found in the partnership with the TV channel DMAX and their channel face Karl Geiger. Karl Geiger, founder and managing director of Geiger Cars, is the protagonist of the DMAX TV format 'Boss of Big Blocks'. On just one shooting day, both an image spot for DMAX and Branded Content Making-Ofs for SanDisk and G-Technology are created. SanDisk, G-Technology, DMAX as well as GeigerCars will use the various videos throughout 2019 on their international channels.
Further information can be found at
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