
Podcast Tip: SocialMinds

by Eyes & Ears of Europe

In the ever-evolving landscape of social media, staying updated with the latest trends, features, and strategies is crucial for any marketer. Enter SocialMinds, the industry-leading podcast designed to make social media second nature for marketing professionals.

Powered by SocialChain’s extensive expertise, SocialMinds has built a robust community of marketers and thought leaders over the past five years. The podcast is renowned for its expert insights, featuring guests from top brands like Ryanair, Monzo, and every major social platform, including Pinterest and Meta. Each bi-weekly episode is hosted by Eve, who delves into the inner workings of the world’s best brands, extracting actionable insights directly from the experts.

Listeners can expect a mix of in-depth interviews and no-nonsense updates on important platform changes. Past episodes have included conversations with industry leaders from Formula One on converting casual viewers into hardcore fans.

Notable episodes also feature creative solutions like using artificial intelligence to overcome creative blocks with Hootsuite and transforming creators into business empires with Doing Things Media. Whether you’re interested in aconservation with OceanX or delivering news on TikTok with The Washington Post, SocialMinds offers a wealth of knowledge.

Join thousands of marketers from top companies like Pepsico, Disney, and Formula One who tune in to SocialMinds to keep their social strategies on point.

For more information and to listen to the latest episodes, visit SocialMinds.
