Eyes & Ears Academy

Interdisciplinary, critical & open

Upcoming events with Eyes & Ears of Europe 

Academies on Demand

For now we only offer our Academies on demand catalogue in German. But we are happy to organise an on-demand Academy on any topic you wish, just contact us.

Eyes & Ears of Europe
Raus aus dem Mental Health-Reservebereich mit Coaches Anja Hinz & Günnur Homburg
Eyes & Ears of Europe
Cross- und transmediale Werbekampagnen beurteilen & konzipieren mit Creative Director, Coach & Autor Albert Heiser
Eyes & Ears of Europe
Entwicklung, die zu Handlung bewegt mit Coach & Facilitator Laura Farrenkopf
Eyes & Ears of Europe
Neupositionierung- Die richtigen Tools zum Selbst-Coaching mit Business Coach Robert Fahle
Eyes & Ears of Europe
Wirkungsvoll präsentieren – Online & vor Live-Publikum mit Sprechwissenschaftler & Rhetoriktrainer Dr. Frank Lorenz
Eyes & Ears of Europe
Stabil bleiben – auch bei rauem Wind. Oder: Der Erfolgsfaktor VERTRAUEN mit den Coaches Peter Dollack & Andreas Pabisch der Walnuss Consulting OG
Eyes & Ears of Europe
Kommunikation vor, während & nach der Krise mit Coaches Anja Hinz & Günnur Homburg
Eyes & Ears of Europe
Grafikdesign für Auftraggeber:innen & Entscheidungstragende mit Creative Director, Coach & Autor Albert Heiser
Eyes & Ears of Europe
Persönlichkeitstypologien – zielorientierter Umgang mit verschiedenen Persönlichkeiten mit Coaches Anja Hinz & Günnur Homburg
Eyes & Ears of Europe
Nervosität überwinden - sicher & souverän auftreten - schlagfertig reagieren mit Profisprecher & Coach Thomas Friebe
Eyes & Ears of Europe
Sich selbst managen – nach dem Zürcher Ressourcen Modell mit Coaches Anja Hinz & Günnur Homburg

The Eyes & Ears Academy is the training and further education programme of Eyes & Ears of Europe. In the one-day or multi-day face-to-face workshops, which are hosted by an Eyes & Ears member, we place great emphasis on a hands-on mentality. In addition to theory and practice, the focus is also on the participants' everyday problems and challenges. Here, it is Eyes & Ears' concern to show possible approaches to solutions.

The practice-oriented offers do not only function as professional training and further education. Special attention is also paid to new input and inspiration from related fields and to the exchange of ideas among each other. In addition to experienced industry players, volunteers, students, trainees and people generally interested in media are also welcome at the Eyes & Ears Academies.

Eyes & Ears Online Academies

Our online academies are explicitly not webinars, but real workshops. Although they are of course emotionally different from face-to-face workshops, we can guarantee a real workshop experience through the intelligent and well thought-out interaction of tools and steps: We still work together on tasks, there is real exchange among each other and of course direct feedback from the speakers. Accordingly, everything is actually the same as always: the same intensity of work, the same quality of results, the same learning curve - but all relaxed and secure from home.

Eyes & Ears Academies on Demand

The new Academies on Demand offer will be added in 2021 as a supplement to the Academy offer. The special feature here is that the Academies on Demand do not have a fixed date, but are only organised once a minimum number of participants has been reached. In close consultation with the participants and speakers, we plan them as face-to-face or online academies, in-house or with participants from different broadcasters or agencies, and hold them on the desired days.