360°-Campaigns – Opportunities, Challenges & Risks

360° campaigns are one of the most effective ways to reach the biggest possible audience. All available media are used to create interaction that makes sense and reaches all the target groups. What should be considered during the planning stage? And what do successful campaigns look like?
In the context of this two-day event organised by Eyes & Ears of Europe and ARTE in Strasbourg, experts present their projects and illustrate both the opportunities and risks of 360° communication.
The following questions will be discussed:
- 360° campaigns – How to get started? Strategies for 360° campaigns from the idea to implementation and production to the finished campaign
- When does promotion on all channels make sense?
- Reaching young target groups: How, if they aren't watching TV anymore?
- It's the idea that counts – Is the story the only key to a good 360° campaign?
- Using one's own brand image as framework – To what extent can innovative ideas thrive in it?
- Challenges for the design, between on-air, off-air, online and mobile?
- Audio design and composition – How important is sound for 360° promotion?
Please click below for more information about the different programme points.

11.30 | Welcome |
11.45 | Introduction of the participants |
12.00 | Brand position at the heart of holistic communication Elmar Rugevics, Consultant at GMK Markenberatung, Cologne The art of successful brand management is mastering the fine line between continuity and brand development. The brand positioning marks the starting point for subsequent action. At this Academy event, options for the comprehensive implementation of brand positioning will be presented in a variety of touchpoints and communication channels and illustrated with examples from consulting practice. Particular attention is given to the importance of brand-specific codes in the establishment of a consistent, clearly recognizable brand identity, as well as to the role of brand positioning as the "creative playing field" for communication development. |
12.45 | Discussion |
13.00 | How to integrate all marketing channels? Examples of NBCUniversal Elmar Krick, Marketing & Creative Director of NBCUniversal International Networks, Munich Elmar Krick, Marketing & Creative Director of NBCUniversal International Networks, presents two 360° campaigns from his recent work. Both are real life examples that were implemented earlier this year. They show how to integrate all marketing communication channels from classic to digital and social as well as PR and viral. Viral? Yes, viral! When you get more than one million video views with a media investment of less than 1000 €, that's what you call "viral"! |
13.45 | Discussion |
14.00 | Lunch break |
15.30 | Multi-Platform Storytelling – more stories, more touchpoints, more buzz Sabine Eckhardt, Managing Director SevenOne Media GmbH, Munich Magic lives off the imagination – and this creates stories that inspire and enchant us and therefore attract our attention. The bottom line is, as always, the content. Then comes the packaging and the presentation. But in recent years, consumers have come to expect considerably more from storytellers. In today's flood of topics and information, it has become difficult to get through to individuals. Each of us is linked to the outside world via computer, smartphone, tablet or even wearables. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The key to breaching the medial overkill barrier is relevance. The messages that we send out to consumers have to interest the individual and bind him. You have to give them something that stands out from the mass of constant noise. |
16.15 | Discussion |
16.30 | From the heart of your brand – Development of 360º campaigns based on a clear visual strategy Marco-Paul de Jeu, Strategy Director Cape Rock, Amsterdam In today's media clutter it is very difficult to stand out and to reach your audience. Creating a clear visual strategy enables you to develop campaigns and promotions that make you stand out, connect with your audience and grow your brand in the long term. The creation and production of coherent media identities is what we call visual strategy. To create a visual strategy, we bring clarity and emotion to a brand. We do this by creating a 'frame of mind' – the emotional state and visual framework through which the audience can connect with your brand across all touchpoints. It's the brand that covers all experiences that your audience gains in interaction with your product or service. Therefore, the brand essence should be at the centre of your campaign development. This presentation explores the process of creating a clear visual strategy, the benefits and starting points it delivers for the development of remarkable and relevant campaigns. |
17.15 | Discussion |
17.30 | Summary |
18.00 | End of Day 1 |

09.00 | Get together |
09.30 | Music and Soundeffects – the best possible soundtrack regarding 360º promotion: less audio is more impact Maximilian Kock, Professor for Audio production in the course of Media Production and Media Technology, Amberg-Weiden How effective can sound design be in a 360º campaign? What are the main aspects in its design and its production? An ongoing study with 200 test persons is investigating the impact of sound effects with or without music. What triggers an emotional reaction and suspense in the viewer and listener more intensely? Can an audio track be "overloaded" with sound? Prof. Maximilian Kock presents the initial results of this study, which may well change the use of audio design in advertising campaigns in the future. |
10.15 | Discussion |
10.30 | Reaching the young target groups:
How, if they don't watch TV anymore? Carlos Zamorano, Director of Marketing and Communications RTL II, Grünwald The young target group encompassing 14-29 year-olds is harder to reach than ever with linear TV. Media content is available anywhere, anytime and competes with the traditional television event. Nevertheless, Generations Y and Z can be inspired with innovative formats and a cross-media approach for the first as well as second screen. As a digital media company, RTL II reaches their target groups on all relevant platforms and devices: TV, online, mobile and social media. Moreover, RTL II reaches their target groups with licensed products and at live events. The lasting success of brands like "Berlin Tag & Nacht" or "RTL II News" especially in the young target groups are just two examples of many. RTL II shows how to cater to these target groups and how to produce TV programmes on all communication channels using an integrated brand strategy. |
11.15 | Discussion |
11.30 | Break |
12.00 | Brand Perception in a Digital World
– Development and 360° control of a brand Sascha Weisshaupt, Head of Brand Strategy & Management Swisscom, Bern Tim Alexander, Head of Marketing & Brand Communication In an increasingly digital world, the major challenge for brands and marketers is to strategically position the brand, to design it and to let it be experienced, so that the desired perception in the target groups and stakeholders is achieved. This can only be accomplished through teamwork. Branding and marketing work hand-in-hand and in iterative, collaborative processes. Sascha Weisshaupt, Head of Brand Strategy & Management, and Tim Alexander, Head of Marketing and Brand Communication, show how this is done at Swisscom. |
12.45 | Discussion |
13.00 | Lunch break |
14.30 | Case Studies – Current Examples of 360°-Campaigns Yaroslava Antipina, Head of New Media Division, TV-channels Ukraine, Football1/2, NLO-TV, Indigo-TV, Kiev In the Ukraine, TV and internet audiences overlap less than in other European countries. Internet advertising does not work as well as outdoor campaigns and advertising in other media. In this case, a 360° campaign helped to attract the internet audience to television. |
15.15 | Discussion |
13.30 | Summary & evaluation |
16.00 | End of the event |
![]() | Elmar Rugevics, Senior Berater GMK Markenberatung, Köln Elmar Rugevics is Senior Consultant and Team Leader for GMK Markenberatung in Cologne. His main activities are the development of integrated brand strategies as well as their internal and external implementation. His previous clients include West German Radio (WDR), Braun, Hewlett-Packard, Bosch Thermotechnology, Renault and Welthungerhilfe. After studying psychology (focus on communication and media psychology), Elmar Rugevics worked as Strategic Planner at Publicis Hamburg and BBDO Proximity in Düsseldorf. Since 2012, he has been Project Manager for the WDR mandate at the GMK, developing long-term communication strategies for WDR brands based on brand positioning as the basis of all communication activities. |
![]() | Elmar Krick,
Marketing & Creative Director NBC Universal International, München Elmar Krick has been with Universal Networks International since 2005. As Marketing & Creative Director, he is responsible for the design of the on-air and marketing performances of all UNIVERSAL NETWORKS INTERNATIONAL stations in German-speaking countries. He has won numerous awards together with his team at national and international festivals and creative competitions. Other important stations of his career include the Walt Disney Company (Germany), PLAZAMEDIA and the trade magazine KEYS, which he co-designed as deputy editor. Krick studied music at the Robert Schumann Hochschule in Dusseldorf and is a qualified audio and video technology engineer. |
![]() | Sabine
Eckhardt, Managing Director SevenOne Media GmbH,
Managing Director SevenOne AdFactory GmbH, Chair of the Management Board
ProSiebenSat.1 Licensing GmbH, München As Managing Director, Sabine Eckhardt (43) is responsible for three companies at ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG. At SevenOne Media, the media group's sales subsidiary, she is responsible for both classic sales and for developing new business areas. Eckhardt also manages the company SevenOne AdFactory, which handles the development and marketing of 360 degree communication concepts and specialty advertising at ProSiebenSat.1. Additionally, Eckhardt serves as Chair of the Management Board at ProSiebenSat.1 Licensing. This subsidiary handles the group's licensing business, merchandising and brand cooperation activities. A graduate in German Language & Literature from the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, Eckhardt is also a member of the Board of Directors at ArtMerchandising & Media AG. Following her German and philosophy studies in Munich and Pisa (minor in business management), she began her career at Mattel and continued on to EM.TV and Merchandising Media. |
![]() | Marco-Paul de Jeu, Strategy
Director Cape Rock, Amsterdam "I am the co-founder of two creative companies: Cape Rock & CabodaRoca. The first specializes in developing visual strategies for brands by creating and producing coherent brand identities for multiple-screens and outings. The second specializes in developing music for motion branding and identity design. We work for international brands such as ZDF, Ziggo (Liberty Global), INSIGHT (GS Satelite), HBO, NOS, Kinepolis, JIM (Medialaan), Liv & Jim (Nelonen Media) and IDFA. Our ambition is to further expand our companies globally. My background and expertise is in marketing, advertising and branding. After having graduated in Business Administration at the Nijmegen Business School, I started my career at Foot Locker Europe in the position of Brand Manager Northern Europe. Nearly five years later, I became Marketing Director at MTV Benelux, where I was part of the MTV Management Team. At MTV, I learned the ins and outs of television and became very interested in developing media brands. This experience led to the start of my entrepreneurship seven years ago. In my role of business developer, I am constantly searching for opportunities to develop our companies. That's why my focus is on meeting people and keeping on top of the trends, shifts and insights that affect our business, brands, media consumption and consumer behavior. My main interest is in the way new technologies force us to continuously develop the relationship with our audience and urge us to find, create and form new ways to reach, touch and engage them." |
![]() | Maximilian Kock, Professor for Audio production in
the course of Media Production and Media Technology, Amberg-Weiden Born in 1965, studied Audio and Video Engineering in Düsseldorf with a degree in Engineering. Sound engineer and audio designer at Deutschlandfunk, Radio NRW, Rockamerica (NYC, USA), ProSieben and ProSiebenSat.1Produktion. Various national and international awards. Owner of recording studio for audio production. Musical compositions have aired on classical radio stations and elsewhere. Since 2009, working group leader 'Audio' at Eyes & Ears of Europe. |
![]() | Carlos Zamorano, Director
of Marketing and Communications RTL II, Grünwald The graduate economist initially worked as a journalist (Euro-Wirtschaftsmagazin) and Area Manager for financial news agency vwd, Vereinigte Wirtschaftsdienste. After working Commerzbank and WEKA Business Information he founded the consulting firm ZAMCOM Communication & Consulting. ZAMCOM communication today serves brand owners, as well as media and Internet companies. In September 2009, Carlos Zamorano took over the post of Project Manager Press & PR at RTL II and from August 2013 he has held the position of Director of Marketing and Communication. |
![]() | Sascha Weisshaupt, Head of Brand Strategy & Management Swisscom, Bern Sascha Weisshaupt has been at Swisscom since 2002. He has learned the branding trade as consultant at a branding and design agency. He leads a team of brand managers and brand designers responsible for Swisscom's brand portfolio as well as the areas of Brand Strategy, Brand Management, Identity, Design, Digital Brand Experience, Employer Branding, Social Media Strategy and Brand Monitoring. He is also responsible for a film crew of up to ten learning mediamaticians. In 2007, he developed and implemented Swisscom's new brand. Since 2009, he heads the Branding Team. Sascha Weisshaupt holds an Executive Master of Science in Communications Management from the University of Lugano and is a lecturer for trends and innovations in branding as part of CAS Brand Management and Communication at the University of Bern, which is part of the Executive MBA in Marketing Management. |
![]() | Tim Alexander, Head of Marketing & Brand
Communication Swisscom, Bern Born in 1975, at Swisscom since 1 September 2013, is responsible for all marketing communications activities in the private and business customer sector, for brand communication, public relations, social media communication, online marketing, as well as marketing and media planning. Prior to joining Swisscom, he spent six years as Vice President Brand Management at Telefonica (O2) Germany. Previously he worked at Grey Düsseldorf, Saatchi & Satchi London and Daimler AG in Stuttgart. Tim Alexander is a qualified advertising specialist and graduate in business administration, specializing in marketing communications. As a student, he founded his own advertising agency (Werbeliebe). He has served as a lecturer in Marketing & Communication Planning at the University of Dusseldorf and Macromedia University in Munich. |
![]() | Yaroslava Antipina, Head of New Media
Division, TV channels Ukraine, Football1/2, NLO-TV, Indigo-TV, Kiev Yaroslava Antipina has a wide range experience in digital marketing. She has overseen the launch of various digital campaigns aimed at promoting programmes and growing the TV audience. Yaroslava joined the TV channel Ukraine in 2012 as Head of New Media Division. Since 2014, she has been managing the digital aspects of four TV channels belonging to Media Group Ukraine, one of the largest media groups in the country. She participates in major industry events and in the jury process for international awards and regularly writes about digital issues. |
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