Eyes & Ears of Europe
Eyes & Ears of Europe

Keynote - New Talents - 23rd International Eyes & Ears Awards - 25th Birthday

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In the second year of Corona, there will be an EYES & EARS Special Edition. This will once again take place digitally from Cologne – with a special highlight: 

Eyes & Ears of Europe, the media industry association, turns 25 – and this special birthday will be celebrated during the 23rd International Eyes & Ears Awards ceremony on 25 November 2021.

At the Eyes & Ears New Talents, selected projects by students, graduates and trainees in the field of audiovisual media are presented. The event offers young creatives and experienced media professionals the opportunity to get to know each other and inspire each other's work. The award ceremony for the best New Talents will also take place as part of the International Eyes & Ears Awards this year.

Highlight of the EYES & EARS 2021 Special Edition on 25 November will be the presentation of the renowned 23rd International Eyes & Ears Awards. At the Award Show, the best productions from the fields of Design, Audio, Digital, Promotion and Cross-Media will be shown and their creators will be awarded the Eyes & Ears Awards Trophy. Presenter of the Eyes & Ears Awards 2021 will be Wolfram Kons

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